  1. How the Hell?


I thought I still had lots of time
To sing my songs, to rhyme my rhymes.
I thought that the sun would always shine.
How the hell did it get so dark outside?

I thought the spring would always last,
But summer came and went so fast,
And autumn is about to pass.
How the hell did it get so cold outside?

How the hell did it get so cold outside?

Gather your rosebuds while you still can,
'Cause time is sinking down like quicksand.
Looks like my life may need a shakeup.
Can't chase your dreams until you wake up.

I thought the moon would always glow,
The rain would fall, the rivers flow.
I didn't see the signs of snow.
How the hell did it get to be winter time?

I thought I'd make my mark on history.
I thought that I'd fulfill my destiny.
Closer to the end than the beginning.
I guess it's time I started living.

I thought my star would never fade.
I thought I already had it made,
But now it seems I've missed the parade.
How the hell did it get to the end of the ride?

How the hell did I get to the end of the ride?

How the hell did it get so cold outside?